Keeping Connected with SKYPE

SKYPE calls are a wonderful tool to use in the classroom. Classrooms can connection with other classrooms, professionals, and locals such as museums.

There are many resources that provide opportunities for classrooms to find connections and many Distance Learning vendors are also using SKYPE as an option for connections.

skype-tips-tricksKatrina Keene’s article states how Mystery SKYPE calls can connect your classroom to the world. To read the entire article, click here – Mystery SKYPE Calls



Ensure Success with SKYPE?

  • Practice with another classroom in your building or district

  • Connect with educators you know in other districts, states, countries

  • Test SKYPE connection

  • Have specific goals for connection

  • Discuss etiquette with students and plan who will speak when

  • Have a back up plan in case there are technology glitches



SKYPE in the Classroom Resources

  1. SKYPE in the Classroom –

  2. SKYPE with Penguin Publishing Authors –

  3. SKYPE an Author –

  4. Kate Messener’s Authors Who SKYPE for free –

SKYPE Projects

  • SKYPE with a Professional


  • SKYPE with an Author

  • SKYPE with a local such as a museum or landmark

  • SKYPE with Pen Pals

  • SKYPE with parents

Video Conference Fact Sheet – checking for understanding

Video Conferences are a great way for students to learn and collaborate. But how does a teacher know if students are understanding the key learning points of the conference?

Below is a document that educations can print and distribute to students to use during or right after a conference. Using this document allows for educators to ensure students have learned during the conference. Also, gathering evidence addresses Common Core Learning Standards.

Video Conference Fact Sheet

The Value of Field Trips – In person and virtual

A recent study discussed the benefits of field trips for students.  There has been a drastic reduction in schools participating in field trips due to expense, scheduling, and curriculum. Click on the link below to read the entire article.

ARTICLE: The Educational Value of Field Trips

Items of interest from the article:


  • Recall more details
  • Use Critical Thinking
  • Display Historical Empathy
  • Increased Tolerance
  • Increased Interest in Museums
  • Greater Benefit for Disadvantaged Students